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Someone asked me this strange question one day
“Do people love to be alone, Is being alone is a beautiful feeling?”
Ok, i dont know about everyone but let me tell what i feel.

Yes,Being Alone has it all.
Most of the time i started thinking with the feeling of being aloof and
ended with the feeling of a beautiful solitude that if expressed would
go invain. Mind you,the feeling of being alone is beautiful in itself.
If you give a deep penetration to it, you’ll find all joy and happiness
in it.

When you express your feelings to someone, your feelings are not yours anymore.
You have lost its mastery. You have judged them already. But if you keep
them to yourself,they are in full control of you. you can turn them any way.
And the power of those “Not So Expressed” feelings gives you the immense
strength and beauty of life.
Just try to feel it and find happiness in it.